Harley Talk is a fictitious cartoon show featuring the imaginary character, Harley Miller. The events, actions, and dialogue of Harley, or any other character, may be socially insensitive, ignorant, illegal or moraly questionable, and is for entertainment purposes only. Harley Talk, Amin8tion, harleytalkshow.com, and nathandavies.tv do not condone the activity portrayed in Harley Talk, and discourages any person or entity from imitating any of the behavior depicted in Harley Talk, in video, photography, and the written word. Do not watch Harley Talk if you feel you are easily triggered or offended, this entertainment product is not intended for this audience. Those with PTSD relative to verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, of any other type of experience are urged to take precautions before viewing Harley Talk. Harley Talk is intended for adults, viewer discretion is advised for persons under 18. Harley Talk is not affiliated with any outside agency (unless otherwise noted), religion, political alignment, or social cause. Harley Talk is an animated comedy collection of media for the sole purpose of entertainment, and should not be considered valid outside of that context. By continuing into site, you are agreeing that cartoons are for amusement, and not to be taken seriously in any way. Visitors are advised to avoid all content herewithin.
This is the best I got right now, so
if you don't like it, then screw you :)
You are going to loose your goddamned mind when you see how badass I am at the video games down at the bowlin' alley.
Perfect example: Cataracs & Dinosores. Check it out. I'm retarded good, y'all!
"'Cause bowling sucks!"
Harley Motorvaders
Fashion! Make-Up!
Trucks! Beer!
This is the best website in the world!!
With Harley Talk, everything you ever wanted to do in your life is real when you believe. People say all the time that Harley Talk is a show and they saw it because I made them and now there's so many other things they can do now that they're done watching it. People can't wait to leave after seeing Harley Talk !!