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This project was for Ubisoft's 2013 E3 Press Event in Downtown L.A. We not only did the main five screen animation, but precisely projection mapped a very complex surface to accentuate the main content. Total projection area 6,000sq/ft, 8k of streaming content.


Client: Ubisoft
Production Company: Leviathan
CD/3D/2D: Nathan Davies
Editor: Andrew Maggio
Lead Compositor: Chris Beers
2D/Composite: David Brodeur
2D/Composite: Kyle Shoup
2D/Composite: Aaron Edwards
2D/3D/Composite: Chris Russo
2D/3D: Katrina Nelken
Lead Engineer: Adam Berg
Producer: Lauren Shawe
EP: Chad Hutson
ECD: Jason White
Chief Scientist: Matt Daly
Sound Designer/Engineer: Joel Corelitz, Waveplant 

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